Appetizers and Sides/ Recipes/ Sweets

Cream Cheese Apple Pie Dip

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese

I can’t say enough good things about this Cream Cheese Apple Pie Dip! The sweet cream cheese spread under the warm apple topping are just a match made in heaven!

It’s also very easy to make and is a perfect appetizer on your Holiday or Summer dessert table!

This Cream Cheese Apple Pie Dip starts with Tillamook Farmstyle Cream Cheese Spread. It’s honestly the creamiest, richest cream cheese I’ve found! I HIGHLY suggest trying this recipe (and any other cream cheese recipes like cream cheese danish, or cream cheese garlic butter) with the new Tillamook Farmstyle Cream Cheese Spreads!) It’s made without gums, fillers or preservatives, offering a cleaner option than most cream cheese products found on store shelves today! Tillamook Farmstyle Cream Cheese Spread is available at a Publix near you!

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese


The first step is to mix the softened Tillamook Farmstyle Cream Cheese Spread with the milk and powdered sugar. (See below for exact measurements). If you forgot to take out the cream cheese spread to soften it, just place it in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave in 30-second intervals, stirring in-between, until soft. Spread the mixture into an 8 or 9-inch pie dish or square baking dish then refrigerate while you make the apples.

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese

Next, you’ll peel and dice your green apples into small bits. I like to cut them into about 1/2 cubes so they’re easier to scoop.

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese, appetizer, dessert

You’ll add the apples to the skillet with some melted butter and cook them until they begin to soften. It should take just about 5-7 minutes for these small pieces.

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese, appetizer, dessert

Once softened, you’ll make your cornstarch slurry (just cornstarch and water) and add that to the pan. Then add in the brown sugar, cinnamon, apple pie spice, and vanilla extract. Cook for just 2 more minutes and the apples are done! Bonus: your house will smell ahhhhhmazing!!

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese, appetizer, dessert

Now you can take out your cream cheese dish and pour the apples over top and spread them out evenly.

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese, appetizer, dessert

I would highly suggest serving this while the apples are warm! We like to eat it with graham crackers or even a salty cracker for that wonderful salty/sweet combo! The Tillamook Farmstyle Cream Cheese Spread (I found mine at Publix! also has a tanginess that is unmatched by any other cream cheese product and truly takes this dip over the top!! 

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese, appetizer, dessert

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese, appetizer, dessert


Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese

Cream Cheese Apple Pie Dip

Coco and Ash
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Servings 8 people


  • 16 ounces cream cheese
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 3 Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored and diced into 1/2" cubes - about 4 cups)
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon apple pie spice


Cream Cheese mixture:

  • Soften your cream cheese by either setting it out until it's room temp or microwaving it. (Add to a microwave safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds, stir then heat for another 30 seconds.)
  • Using a hand mixer on low, beat together the softened cream cheese, powdered sugar, and milk until smooth.
  • Spread the cream cheese mixture in the bottom of your dish. (You can use a pie dish or a square baking dish) Place in the fridge while you make the apples.

Cooking the apples:

  • Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
  • While the butter is melting, you can peel and dice your 3 apples.
  • Add the diced apples to the melted butter and cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes or until they're tender.
  • In a small bowl, dissolve cornstarch in the cold water then add the mixture to the skillet with the apples. Stir to combine.
  • Stir in brown sugar and cinnamon, vanilla, and apple pie spice and allow the mixture to bubble for just 2 more minutes.
  • Remove the skillet from the heat and pour the apples over the cream cheese mixture.
  • Serve warm with crackers! (Graham crackers are our favorite!)
Tried this recipe?Leave a comment!

Cream cheese apple pie dip, apple pie dip, apple dip, tillamook, apple pie dip with cream cheese, appetizer, dessert

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    Marie Wright
    November 29, 2023 at 10:53 pm

    I would like to try this for a church event but how can I make it ahead of time??

    • Reply
      Coco and Ash
      November 30, 2023 at 10:27 am

      Hi Marie! You can make the cream cheese part and the apple part and just keep them separate before serving. You can warm the apple part up in the microwave before serving 🙂 I hope that helps!

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